A Little Persuaded: The Little Mermaid needs a bit of Persuasion. (The Austen Fairy Tales Book 6) by Ardnek Kendra E

A Little Persuaded: The Little Mermaid needs a bit of Persuasion. (The Austen Fairy Tales Book 6) by Ardnek Kendra E

Author:Ardnek, Kendra E.
Language: eng
Format: epub
Publisher: GiraffeCrafts
Published: 2023-10-19T00:00:00+00:00

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The speed with which everyone responded was a true testament to the sheer amount of power wielded by those gathered. The air snapped with Frost magic as Queen Snowmari fell into place alongside Queen Faia, Mina, Maia, and other Frosts. The earth shook as Benjamin called upon his earth powers alongside fellow Dwarven. Fire crackled as it was summoned by Queen Eliza, Princess Giana, Hannah, and fellow Cinders. Anthony, and Emmazel’s son, Jack, sent wind flying alongside fellow Zephyrs.

Wood Spirits poured out of the trees, there to assist the Sensitives who threw up a branchy dome over the Gardener, Emmazel, and those closest to them, which included Enna, because she was the one nearest the Gardener at the time. Hansel and Knight were suddenly replaced by a wolf and a black cat, and Calla and Earnest drew swords, though Calla was kept close to the center with Emmazel and the Gardener.

Enna stood, uncertain, even as all the magic thrummed in her ears. Were she under the ocean, she would know exactly what to do, as the waves were hers to command and crush the invader. But what was she supposed to do without the ocean? Here, in this Forest, she was as helpless as any human.

Or, was she…

Claiming the role of Lady Mussle’s apprentice had given Enna powers beyond that what she’d already possessed; powers that she had as yet to fully explore, given her need to rush to land. Taking a deep breath, Enna closed her eyes and pushed all of the distractions out of her mind. Her senses lit with an awareness of all the magic flying around her – green for the Sensitives, white for the Frosts and Zephyrs, and gold for the Cinders and Dwarven. And – there! – was a different magic: a magic made, not of light itself, but a dark, inky void.

Enna took a deep breath and stepped towards that magic void, careful not to get caught in its draw, and also careful of the branches wrapped over her. She had heard stories of Merrin whose powers had come out wrong like this, draining instead of giving. They were dangerous people, always, and it was the sort of magic that came from a corrupted soul. Anthony had proposed that Frosts and Zephyrs were descended from Merrin intermarriage, and Hans’ mother was a Frost.

Could this man be…

If he was, then all the magic flying around him only made him more powerful. Enna balled her hands into fists as she swallowed down the panic that welled up in her throat. Every battle against a Grima had been long and desperate, and no two had been conquered the same way. Had there ever been one as powerful as this Hans?

But, at least, if he was here in the Forest, then he wasn’t acting against her own people? Enna tried to focus on that as a positive, but it somehow rang hollow.

Hans was here, targeting all of the most powerful humans on the land, and most specifically, the two infants that were newly bound to the power of this Forest.


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